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Summer School




Assoc. Prof. PhD. Mag. Eng.

Simona kirilova filipova-petrakieva












Deputy Head of Department "Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering".


2000: Assistant Professor in the Department “Theoretical Electrical Engineering”

2005: Senior Assistant Professor in the Department “Theoretical Electrical Engineering”

2009: Associate Professor in the Department “Theoretical Electrical Engineering”

2012-2014: Vice-Dean in Faculty of Automation on International Integration and Public Relations


1989: Graduated in Sofia Mathematical High School "Paisii Hilendarski"

1994: MSc in Technical University of Sofia, a professional field 5.2 “Electrical, Electronics and Automation”

2005: PhD in a professional field 5.2 “Electrical, Electronics and Automation” (scientific field “Theoretical Electrical Engineering”)

Title of the PhD thesis: “Stability analysis of linear circuits and systems with interval data”

Teaching: Lectures, tutorials, labs, course projects, course assessments on “Theoretical Electrical Engineering”, “Discrete Structures” and “Discrete math” for bachelor students.

Scientific interests: Electrical engineering (fundamentals, practical applications, Electricity Power Demand analysis), Analysis and synthesis of linear and non-linear circuits and systems, Optimization methods, Stability analysis of linear and non-linear circuits and systems under interval uncertainty, Graphs’ theory, Neural Networks, Machine Learning (esp. Cluster analysis, Brownian motion, Quantum machine learning), Deep learning (esp. Convolutional Neural Networks, Recursive Neural Networks, Reinforcement Deep learning Neural Networks, Generative Adversarial Neural Networks), е-e-learning strategies for teaching and assessment.

Author of the monograph titled: „Application of the Duhamel’s principle for electrical circuits and electronic schemes analysis”.

Co-author of 11 manuals for students. Author and co-author of over 100 scientific manuscripts in journals and conferences (IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, WSEAS Transactions on Circuits and Systems, WSEAS Transactions on Systems,  Przeglad Elektrotechniczny (Electrical Review), The Scientific Journal FACTA UNIVERSITATIS - Series: Electronics and Energetics and Mechanics, Automatic Control and Robotics), International Journal of Neural Networks and Advanced Applications, Journal of Internet Technology and Secured Transaction, International Journal of Circuits, Systems and Signal processing, Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research Journal (ETASR),  Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems (ASTES) Journal.

In the last 5 years, she has been the head of an international project on "Cluster analysis of aperiodic time series" (2017-2019, Bulgaria-France bilateral cooperation program) and she has participated in an international project titled: „A Methodology for the Formation of Highly Qualified Engineers at Masters Level in the Design and Development of Advanced Industrial Informatics” (2013-2016, Tempus&Bilateral Cooperation with Industrialised countries).



Valeri Mladenov

Ilona Iacheva


Associate Professors

Atanas Chervenkov

Simona Petrakieva

Georgi Tsenov

Nikolina Petkova


Assistant Professors

Ivan Trushev

Stoyan Kirilov


PhD Students



Svetoslav Dichev


Technical Assistant

Svetoslav Dichev