
Научни публикации
на катедра
през 2010 година
Brandisky K., A. Romanowski, K.
Grudzien, D. Sankowski
(2010), Electrostatic Field Simulations in the Analysis and Design of
Electrical Capacitance Tomography Sensors,
AGH Scientific Letters, Automatyka, Tom 14, Zeszyt
3/2, pp. 655-669.
Brandisky K., D. Sankowski, R. Banasiak
(2010), Optimization of ECT
Sensor Using Genetic Algorithm, Zeszyty
Naukowe Politechniki Łódzkiej, Elektryka 121,
pp. 183-189.
Georgiev Zh. (2010),
Analysis and synthesis of oscillators systems described by perturbed single
well Duffing equations,
Nonlinear Dynamics, Vol. 62, No. 4, December,
pp. 883-893.
Gevaert W., G. Tsenov, V. Mladenov
(2010), Neural Networks used for Speech Recognition,
Journal of Automatic
Control, Vol. 20, University of Belgrade, DOI:
Iatcheva I, R. Stancheva, G. Kunov G, I. Jordanian
(2010), Shape Identification in a Magnetic Separation
System, Facta Universitatis,
Nis, Series: Electronics and Energetics, Vol.
23, No. 2, pp. 159-167.
от България
Filipova S. (2010),
Software Realization of the Basic Mathematical Operations and Functions
using Generalized Intervals (Софтуерна реализация на основните математически
действия и функции посредством обобщени интервали),
Годишник на ТУ-София, том 60, книга 3 –
Юбилеен “65 години ТУ – София” и “60 години Годишник на ТУ – София”, ISBN:
1311-0829, стр. 94-106.
в чужбина
Iatcheva I., R. Stancheva, A. Andreev
(2010), Field Problem in Magnetoelectric Flowmeter,
Conference Proceedings of the
10th International Conference on Applied and Theoretical Electricity ICATE
2010, Craiova, Romania, 08-09
Oktober, ISSN: 2069-0150, CD, pp 370-373.
Iatcheva I., R. Stancheva, G. Kunov
(2010), Parameters Identification of Induction Heating
Systems, 14th International
Symposium IGTE 2010, Graz, Austria, 19-22 September,
CD, pp. 352-355.
Iatcheva I., R. Stancheva, G. Kunov, M. Metodiev
(2010), Analysis of Induction Heating System for Pipe
Welding, 1st Fraunhofer
Conference on Multiphysics Methods, Bonn, Germany,
20-22 June.
Iatcheva I., R. Stancheva, M. Metodiev
(2010), FEM Investigation of
Induction Heating System for Pipe Brazing,
WASET'2010 (World Academy of Science, Engineering and
Technology), Conference Proceedings, Vol. 42,
28-30 June, ISSN: 2070-3724 & ISSN:
2070-3740, pp. 613-616.
Karampelas P., V. Vita, C. Pavlatos, V.
Mladenov, L. Ekonomou
(2010), Design of Artificial Neural Network Models for the Prediction
of the Hellenic Energy Consumption, Proceedings of the 10th IEEE
Symposium on Neural Network Applications in Electrical Engineering, NEUREL
2010, University of Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro, 23-25 September,
ISBN: 978-1-4244-8821-6, DOI:
10.1109/NEUREL.2010.5644049, pp.
Kostadinov D., J. Reiss, V. Mladenov
(2010), Evaluation of
Distance based Amplitude Panning for Spatial Audio, Proceedings of
2100 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal
Processing, Dallas Texas, USA, 14-19
March, pp. 285-288.
Liang N., J. Hegt, V. Mladenov
(2010), Image Objects Detection Based on Boosting Neural Network,
Proceedings of the 10th IEEE Symposium on Neural Network Applications in
Electrical Engineering, NEUREL 2010, University of Belgrade, Serbia and
Montenegro, 23-25 September, ISBN: 978-1-4244-8821-6, DOI:
10.1109/NEUREL.2010.5644063, pp. 207-211.
Mastorakis N., V. Mladenov, M. Swamy
(2010), Improved Neural Network for Checking the
Stability of Multidimensional Systems,
Proceedings of the 10th IEEE Symposium on Neural Network Applications in
Electrical Engineering, NEUREL 2010, University of Belgrade, Serbia and
Montenegro, 23-25 September, ISBN: 978-1-4244-8821-6, DOI:
10.1109/NEUREL.2010.5644086, pp. 143-148.
Popov G., N. Mastorakis, V. Mladenov
(2010), Calculation of the Acceleration of Parallel Programs as a
Function of the Number of Threads,
Proceedings of the 14th
WSEAS International Conference on COMPUTERS, Corfu, Greece, 23-25 July,
ISSN: 1792-4251, ISBN: 978-960-474-213-4, pp. 411-414.
Stancheva R., I. Iatcheva
(2010), A simplification of electromagnetic field calculations in
anisotropic media, 1st
Fraunhofer Conference on Multiphysics Methods, Bonn, Germany,
22-23 June.
Stancheva R., I. Iatcheva
(2010), A Statistical Identification Approach by the Boundary Field
Changes, WASET'2010, Conference
Proceedings, Vol. 42, 28-30 June,
ISSN: 2070-3724, ISSN: 2070-3740,
pp. 1569-1574.
Tsenov G., (2010), A Design
Procedure for Finding Optimal Fifth Order Sigma-Delta Modulator Loopfilters,
14th WSEAS International Conference on CIRCUITS (Part of the 14th WSEAS CSCC
Multiconference) Corfu Island, Greece, 22-24 July, ISSN: 1792-4227, ISBN:
978-960-474-198-4, pp. 143-146.
Tsenov G., A. Nikolova, V. Mladenov
(2010), Performance comparison of techniques for DNA sequence
prediction using neural networks,
Proceedings of 4th IEEE International Symposium
Communications Control &
Commitees Signal Processing, Limassol, Cyprus,
ISBN: 978-1-4244-6285-8, DOI:
10.1109/ISCCSP.2010.5463296, SS. 3.6.
Tsenov G., V. Mladenov
(2010), Speech Recognition Using
Neural Networks,
Proceedings of the 10th IEEE Symposium on Neural Network Applications in
Electrical Engineering, NEUREL 2010, University of Belgrade, Serbia and
Montenegro, 23-25 September, pp. 181-186.
Tzeneva R., Y. Slavtchev, N. Mastorakis, V. Mladenov
(2010), Bolted Busbar Connections with Longitudinal
Slots, Proceedings of the 14th
WSEAS International Conference on CIRCUITS, Corfu, Greece, 22-24 July, ISSN:
1792-4227, ISBN: 978-960-474-198-4, pp. 44-48.
в България
1. Brandisky K., D.
Sankowski, I. Dolapchiev, R. Banasiak (2010),
Optimization of ECT Sensor Based on Response Surface Methodology and Genetic
Algorithm, 11th International
Workshop on Optimization and Inverse Problems in Electromagnetism OIPE’2010,
Sofia, 14-18 September, ISBN: 978-954-438-855-3, pp. 63-64.
Filipova S., V. Mladenov
(2010), Signal competition
approach for synthesis of asynchronous high-speed digital circuits,
Proceedings of the 8th
Summer school “Advanced Aspects of
Theoretical Electrical Engineering”, Part II:
Regular Papers, Sozopol, 19-22 September,
ISSN 1313-9487,
pp. 9-16.
Iatcheva I., R. Stancheva, G. Kunov, M. Metodiev
(2010), Optimization of induction heating system for
high frequency welding, 11th
International Workshop on Optimization and Inverse Problems in
Electromagnetism OIPE’2010, Sofia, 14-18 September, ISBN: 978-954-438-855-3,
pp. 110-113.
Iatcheva I., R. Stancheva, К. Ivanov
(2010), An illustration ofelectromagnetic field
analogy in laboratory work on basis of numerical field modeling,
Proceedings of the 8th Summer
school “Advanced Aspects of
Theoretical Electrical Engineering”, Part
Regular Papers, Sozopol, 19-22 September,
ISSN: 1313-9487, pp.
Mladenov V., G. Komsalov, G.
Tsenov (2010),
Computer-Aided Educationusing MATLAB in the Theoretical Electrical
Engineering and Neural Networks course projects and labs at the Technical
University of Sofia,
Proceedings of the 8th Summer school “Advanced
Aspects of Theoretical Electrical Engineering”,
Part II:
Regular Papers, Sozopol, 19-22 September,
ISSN: 1313-9487, pp.
Petkova N., P.Nakov, I. Iatcheva
Electric Field Modeling for Partial Discharge Investigation,
International PhD Seminar on Computational Electromagnetics
and Optimization in Electrical
Engineering – CEMOEE 2010,
Sofia, 10-13 September.
Petkova N., V. Mladenov, P. Nakov
(2010), Application of Monitoring
System for Transformer Substations,
Proceedings of the 8th Summer
school “Advanced Aspects of
Theoretical Electrical Engineering”, Part
Regular Papers, Sozopol, 19-22 September,
ISSN: 1313-9487, pp.
Petrakieva S.,
Signal competition approach
for synthesis of asynchronous high-speed
digital circuits,
Proceedings of the 8th Summer school
“Advanced Aspects of
Theoretical Electrical Engineering”, Part
Regular Papers, Sozopol, 19-22 September,
ISSN: 1313-9487, pp.
Sijakovic N., M. Kostic, I. Bogatinova,
V. Mladenov (2010),
Software tool for short term congestion forecasting in transmission
Proceedings of the 8th
Summer school “Advanced Aspects of
Theoretical Electrical Engineering”, Part
Regular Papers, Sozopol, 19-22 September,
ISSN: 1313-9487, pp.
Stancheva R., I. Iatcheva
(2010), Data errors influence on the robustness of the optimization
problem solution, 11th
International Workshop on Optimization and Inverse Problems in
Electromagnetism OIPE’2010, Sofia, 14–18 September, ISBN: 978-954-438-855-3,
pp. 86-93.
Stoyadinova T., Th. Ortlepp, K.
Filipova, V. Mladenov
(2010), Improved VHDL model of basic RSFQ cell – D Flip Flop,
International PhD Seminar on Computational Electromagnetics and Optimization
in Electrical Engineering – CEMOEE 2010, Sofia, 10-13 September, pp.
Terzieva S., Iv. Kralov, I. Ignatov
(2010), Electroacoustic Analysis of MEMS for Sound
Pressure Harvesting,
Proceedings of the 8th Summer school “Advanced
Aspects of Theoretical Electrical Engineering”,
Part II:
Regular Papers, Sozopol, 19-22 September,
ISSN: 1313-9487, pp. 164-169.
Trushev Iv. (2010),
General sliding mode control for switched DC/DC buck converter,
Proceedings of the 8th Summer
school “Advanced Aspects of
Theoretical Electrical Engineering”, Part
Regular Papers, Sozopol, 19-22 September,
ISSN: 1313-9487, pp. 41-47.
Tsenov G., V. Mladenov (2010),
Parallel form Sigma-Delta modulator high order loopfilter
representation in Z and S domain. Proceedings of the 8th
Summer school “Advanced Aspects of
Theoretical Electrical Engineering”, Part
Regular Papers, Sozopol, 19-22 September,
ISSN: 1313-9487, pp.
Георгиев Ж. (2010),
Гранични цикли и теория на Мелников,
Proceedings of the 8th Summer school
“Advanced Aspects of
Theoretical Electrical Engineering”, Part I: Plenary
Lectures, Созопол, 19-22 Септември, ISSN: 1313-9479,
стр. 131-147.
16. Стоянова
Т., Г. Рашков, В. Младенов (2010), Влияние,
необходимост и полезни резултати от провеждането на Олимпиади по Теоретична
електротехника със студентите от електротехническите специалности на
техническите ВУЗ, Proceedings of the 8th
Summer school “Advanced Aspects of
Theoretical Electrical Engineering”, Part I: Plenary
Lectures, Созопол, 19-22 Септември, ISSN: 1313-9479,
стр. 148-151.