
Научни публикации
на катедра
през 2018 година
Списания от
1.Reljin I., Z. Obradovi, B. Popovi, V.
Mladenov, New Methods for Analyzing Complex Biomedical Systems and
Signals, Hindawi, Complexity, pp. 1-3,
F. Tavares,
V. Mladenov,
Georgieva, Factor Analysis for Finding
Invariant Neural Descriptors of Human Emotions,
Hindawi, Complexity, pp. 1-8, 2018,
C., V. Vita, V. Mladenov, L. Ekonomou, On the
Computation of the Voltage Distribution along the Non-Linear Resistor of
Gapless Metal Oxide Surge Arresters, Energies,
11(11), 2018,
V., Analysis and Simulations of Hybrid Memory
Scheme Based on Memristors, Electronics,
7(11), pp. 1–11,
2018, https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics 7110289.
V., G. Tsenov, Nonlinear
Programming Approach for Design of High Performance Sigma–Delta Modulators,
Recent Advances in Nonlinear Dynamics and Synchronization, pp 271-283, 2018,
V., S. Kirilov, Analysis of an anti-parallel
memristor circuit, IAPGOŚ, vol.2,
pp. 9–14,
2018, DOI: 10.5604/01.3001.0012.0696.
V., S. Kirilov, Advanced memristor model with a
modified Biolek window and a voltage-dependent variable exponent,
IAPGOŚ, vol.2, pp. 15–20,
2018, DOI: 10.5604/01.3001.0012.0697.
I., D. Darzhanova, M. Manilova, , Modeling of electric and heat processes
in spot resistance welding of cross-wire steel bars, Open Physics, 16
(1), pp. 1-8, 2018, ISSN:
D. D., N. N. Cvetkovic, M. S. Stojanovic, I.
Iatcheva, Approximate model for ground inhomogeneity with rectangular
cross section: application to analysis of grounding systems, Electrical
Engineering, 100 (1), pp. 75-82, 2018, ISSN:
I., M. Dimitrova, N. Petkova, 3D modelling of electric field in vicinity
of 400 kV power line, International Journal for Computation and
Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (COMPEL),
37 (4), pp. 1545-1555, 2018, ISSN:
N.B., S. R. Aleksic, Ž. Hederic, M. Barukcic, I.
Iatcheva, Optimal selection of coaxial ring systems in environmental
electrostatic shielding, International Journal for Computation and
Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (COMPEL),
37 (4), pp. 1418-1435, 2018, ISSN:
T., M. Barukcic, Ž. Hederic, V. Corluka, N.B. Raicevic, I. Iatcheva,
Position estimation of active magnetic bearing shaft using auxiliary coils,
International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and
Electronic Engineering (COMPEL),
37 (4), pp. 1328-1341, 2018, ISSN:
I., Application of field modeling and determination of parameters in
electrical engineering education, International Journal for Computation
and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (COMPEL),
37 (5), pp. 1585-1596, 2018, ISSN:
Zh., I. Uzunov, T.
Todorov, Analysis and synthesis of oscillator systems described by a
perturbed double-well Duffing equation, Nonlinear Dynamics, vol. 94, No.
1, pp. 57-85, 2018, ISSN:
0924-090X, (IF 3.464).
I., Zh. Georgiev, T.
Arabadzhiev, Transitions of stationary to pulsating solutions in the
complex cubic-quintic Ginzburg-Landau equation under the influence of
nonlinear gain and higher-order effects, Physical Review E, vol. 97,
Issue 5, Paper 052215, 2018, ISSN:
2470-0045, (IF 2.284).
D., S. Petrakieva,
I. Taralova, A novel
approach for protection of accounts’ names against hackers combining cluster
analysis and chaotic theory, Journal of Internet
Technology and Secured Transaction, vol 7, issue 2, pp. 579-587,
2018, ISSN: 2046-3723, DOI:
10.20533/jitst.2046.3723.2018.0071, (Scopus, IF by
ICB: 10.777, Н-index: 7).
V., S. Petrakieva,
I. Taralova, D. Andreev,
Forecasting time series for power consumption data in different buildings
using the fractional Brownian motion,
International Journal of Circuits, Systems and Signal processing, vol. 12,
pp. 646-652, 2018, ISSN:
1998-4464, (Scopus, Web of Science).
Kirilov S., Analysis of a Passive Memristor Crossbar, Oriental Journal of
Computer Science and Technology, ISSN: 0974-6471, Vol. 11, No. (1) 2018,
Pg. 04-11.
Списания от България
1.Chervenkov A., A.
Yanev, T. Chervenkova, Modelling and Analysis of
Hybrid Power Station, Proceedings of the Technical University of Sofia,
Vol. 68, Issue 2, pp. 69-78, 2018, ISSN:
С., Анализ на преходни процеси и стационарни режими в линейни
електрически вериги чрез използване на интеграла на Дюамел при източници на
енергия с произволна форма, Годишник на ТУ-София, том 68, кн. 2, стр.
25-34, 2018, ISSN: 1311-0829.
С., Й. Шопов, Апроксимация на кривата на относителна спектрална
чувствителност на човешкото око, Годишник на ТУ-София, том 68, кн. 1,
стр. 395-401, 2018, ISSN:
S., Automatic calculation the parameters of linear passive 2-ports
networks based on experimental data – part 2, Годишник на ТУ-София, том
68, кн. 1, стр. 311-316, 2018,
ISSN: 1311-0829.
Конференции в чужбина:
V., Synthesis and Analysis of a Memristor-Based
Artificial Neuron, 16th International Workshop on
Cellular Nanoscale Networks and their Applications (CNNA),
2018, VDE, IEEE, Print ISBN: 978-3-8007-4766-5, pp. 1–4.
Y., O. Nakov, V. Mladenov, System for
Monitoring and Control of the Baxter Robot,
International Conference on Intelligent and Innovative Computing
Applications (ICONIC), 2018, DOI:
10.1109 /
. 2018
O., E. Mihaylova, M. Lazarova, V. Mladenov,
Parallel Image Stitching Based on Multithreaded
Processing on GPU, International Conference on
Intelligent and Innovative Computing Applications (ICONIC), DOI:
10.1109/ICONIC.2018.8601253, 2018.
G., V. Mladenov, EEG alphabet speller with Neural
Network classifier for P300 signal detection,
14th Symposium on Neural Networks and Applications (NEUREL), 2018,
Y., V. Mladenov, Humanoid Robot Detecting Animals
via Neural Network, 14th Symposium on Neural
Networks and Applications (NEUREL), 2018, DOI: 10.1109/NEUREL.2018.8587017.
V., S. Kirilov, A Memristor Model with a Modified
Window Function and Activation Thresholds, IEEE
International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 2018,
R., O. Nakov, V. Mladenov, Artificial Intelligence
in Cyber Threats Intelligence, International
Conference on Intelligent and Innovative Computing Applications,
(ICONIC), 2018,
S., V. Mladenov, Integrator device with a
memristor element, 7th International Conference
on Modern Circuits and Systems Technologies (MOCAST),
2018, DOI:10.1109/MOCAST.2018.8376656.
9. Andreev, D., S.
Petrakieva, S., I. Taralova, Applying QUANTUM machine learning approach for
detecting chaotically generated false usernames of account (Security systems
with heightened safety of information), Proceedings of ICITST - World CIS -
WCST - WCICSS - 2018, ISBN: 978-1-908320-94-0, 11 – 13 December 2018,
University of Cambridge, UK, Published by Infonomics Society, DOI:
10.2053/ICITST.WorldCIS.WCST.WCICSS.2018.0003, pp. 34-39.
Конференции в България
1.Mladenov V., S. Kirilov,
Learning of an Artificial Neuron with Resistor-Memristor
Synapses, Advances in Neural Networks and
Applications (ANNA'18), pp.
1–4, 2018, VDE, IEEE, ISBN: 978-3-8007-4756-6.
N., H. Tahrilov, I. Iatcheva, Specific features of the design of a small
resistive art glass melting furnace,
International Symposium on Electrical Apparatus and Technologies (SIELA),
Bourgas, pp. 1-6, 2018,
I., R. Stancheva, N. Petkova, Parameterized Study of High-Frequency
Welding System,
International Symposium on Electrical Apparatus and Technologies (SIELA),
Bourgas, pp. 1-6, 2018,
G., I. Iatcheva, E. Gadjeva, Bidirectional DAB DC-DC Converter with
Predictive Hysteresis Current Mode Control,
International Symposium on Electrical Apparatus and Technologies (SIELA),
Bourgas, pp. 1-4, 2018,
S., J. Shopov, Electrical Losses in SemiConductior Devices during Control
of the Processe, Proceedings of XXVII International Scientific
Conference Electronics – ET’2018, 13-15 Sept.
Sozopol, Bulgaria, pp. 75-78, 2018, ISBN:
978-1-5386-6691-3, IEEE Catalog Number: CFP18H39-CDR,
https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/ document/8549616,
(Scopus, Web of Science).
I., T. Arabadzhiev, Zh. Georgiev,
Transition of Stationary to Pulsating Solutions in the
Complex Cubic-quintic Ginzburg-Landau Equation Under the Influence of
Intrapulse Raman Scattering, Self-steepening and Nonlinear Gain,
10th Jubilee Conference of the Balkan Physical Union, Sofia, Bulgaria, 26-30
August 2018, Inter Expo Center (IEC).
7.Dimitrov B., N. Petkova, H. Popov, A new model for
calculating the losses in the electricity distribution network,
Proceedings of 12th Summer School Advanced Aspects of Theoretical Electrical
Engineering, Sofia, pp. 54-63, 2018, ISSN: 1313-9487.
8.Yanev A., A. Chervenkov, Numerical modelling of the
magnetic field distribution in single-phase single-core transformer,
Proceedings of 12th Summer School Advanced Aspects of Theoretical Electrical
Engineering, Sofia, pp. 71-77, 2018, ISSN: 1313-9487.
9.Georgiev Zh.,
I. Uzunov, T. Todorov, Exact periodic solution of the double-hump Duffing
equation, Proceedings of 12th Summer School Advanced Aspects of
Theoretical Electrical Engineering, Sofia, pp. 1-11, 2018, ISSN: 1313-9487.
10.Iatcheva I.,
Effect of sag presence on the field distribution in the vicinity of 400
kv power line, Proceedings of 12th Summer School Advanced Aspects of
Theoretical Electrical Engineering, Sofia, pp. 12-18, 2018, ISSN: 1313-9487.
11.Bozhkov St.,
V. Mladenov, Operational failures of photovoltaic plants, Proceedings
of 12th Summer School Advanced Aspects of Theoretical Electrical
Engineering, Sofia, pp. 39-46, 2018, ISSN: 1313-9487.
Basis and applications of Duhamel’s principle,
Proceedings of 12th
Summer School Advanced
Aspects of Theoretical
Electrical Engineering, Sofia, pp.
47-53, 2018, ISSN: 1313-9487.
13.Dimitrov B.,
N. Petkova, H. Popov, A new model for calculating the losses in the
electricity distribution network, Proceedings of 12th
Summer School Advanced Aspects of Theoretical Electrical Engineering, Sofia,
pp. 54-63, 2018, ISSN: 1313-9487.
14.Dimitrova M.,
Comparative study of electric field distribution in the vicinity of power
line, based on numerical modeling and experimental data,
Proceedings of 12th Summer School Advanced Aspects of
Theoretical Electrical Engineering, Sofia, pp. 64-70, 2018, ISSN: 1313-9487.
15.Terzieva S., I. Tabahnev, S. Vladov,
Self-training and control in teaching theoretical electrical engineering,
Proceedings of 12th Summer School Advanced Aspects of
Theoretical Electrical Engineering, Sofia, pp. 78-82, 2018, ISSN: 1313-9487.
16.Shopov, Y., S. Filipova-Petrakieva, Influence of the Working Conditions
on the Parameters of the Transformers, X Scientific Conference BulEF’2018,
11-14.09.2018, Sozopol, Bulgaria, ISBN: 978-1-5386-7565-6, IEEE catalog
Number CFP18BUL-ART, 2018, Conference ID in IEEE Xplore: 45928XP, DOI:
17.Shopov, Y., S. Filipova-Petrakieva, Investigation of Residual Current
Devices in High Frequencies, X Scientific Conference BulEF’2018,
11-14.09.2018, Sozopol, Bulgaria, ISBN: 978-1-5386-7565-6, IEEE catalog
Number CFP18BUL-ART, 2018, Conference ID in IEEE Xplore: 45928XP, DOI:
10.1109/BULEF.2018.8646945 |