
Научни публикации
на катедра
през 2016 година
Списания от
1. Ekonomou L., Christos A. Christodoulou, V. Mladenov, An artificial neural
network software tool for the assessment of the electric field around metal
oxide surge arresters. Springer, Neural Computing and Applications, July
2016, Vol. 27, Issue 5, pp. 1143–1148, DOI:10.1007/s00521-015-1969-x.
2. Jayne C., L. Iliadis, V. Mladenov, Special issue on the engineering
applications of neural networks. Springer, Neural Computing and
Applications, July 2016, Vol. 27, Issue 5, pp. 1075–1076,
3. Ekonomou L., G. P. Fotis, V. Vita, V. Mladenov, Distributed Generation
Islanding Effect on Distribution Networks and End User Loads Using the
Master-Slave Islanding Method, JPEE Vol. 4, No.10, pp. 1-24, October 2016.
4. Petkova N., P. Nakov, V. Mladenov, Real time monitoring of incipient
faults in power transformer, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2016, pp. 221-240,
Print ISBN: 978-3-662-49432-5, Online ISBN: 978-3-662-49434-9, Series ISSN:
1867-8998, DOI:10.1007/978-3-662-49434-9-9.
5. Petrakieva S., G. Tsenov, V. Mladenov, Recent Advances of Adoptability of
EEG Signals for Application Aimed at Improving the Life of Disabled People,
International Journal of Neural Networks and Advanced Applications, Vol. 3,
pp. 1-7, ISSN: 2313-0563, (On-line).
6. Iatcheva I., G. Bojilov, I. Saykova, Modeling of the electric field
applied to the ensembles of microparticles, Materials Science Forum, 2016,
Vol. 856, pp. 129-134, Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland, ISSN:
0255-5476, DOI:10.4028/www.scientific.net/MSF.856.129 (Scopus).
7. Tzvetkova N., I. Iatcheva, Modeling of the processes in a resistive glass
melting furnace in heat treatment of glassware with complex form, Materials
Science Forum, 2016, Vol. 856, pp. 380-385, Trans Tech Publications,
Switzerland, ISSN: 0255-5476, DOI:10.4028/
www.scientific.net/MSF.856.380 (Scopus).
8. Iatcheva I., A. Andreev, R. Stancheva, I. Lilyanova, Electromagnetic flow
meter field distribution maximizing device sensitivity, Materials Science
Forum, 2016, Vol. 856, pp. 157-162, Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland,
ISSN: 0255-5476, DOI:10.4028/ www.scientific.net/MSF.856.157 (Scopus).
9. Vuckovic D., N. Cvetkovic, M. Stojanovic, I. Iatcheva, Approximate model
for ground inhomogeneity with rectangular cross section: application to
analysis of grounding systems, Electrical Engineering (Archiv für
Elektrotechnik), November 2016, pp. 1-8, Print ISSN: 0948-7921, Online ISSN:
1432-0487, DOI:10.1007/s00202-016-0483-1 (Impact Factor: 0.662).
10. Mladenov V., S. Kirilov, Synthesis and analysis of a memristor-based
perceptron for logical function emulation. ISTET 2015, Poland, Przeglad
Elektrotechniczny, Vol. 92, Issue 4, 1 March 2016, pp. 22-25, ISSN:
Списания от България
1. Георгиев Ж., Ив. Трушев, Анализ на преходни и стационарни процеси в
електрически вериги при въздействия на поредица импулси, Годишник на
Технически университет - София, Том 66, кн. 2, стр. 373-382, ISSN:
2. Kirilov S., V. Mladenov, Synthesis and Analysis of an Integrator based on
a memristor with a sensitivity threshold, Proceedings of the Technical
University of Sofia, Volume 66, Issue 2, 2016, pp. 365 – 372, ISSN:
3. Петракиева С., Автоматично преизчисляване на коефициентите в различните
форми на математическо описание на линейни пасивни четириполюсници, Годишник
на ТУ-София, Tом 66, кн.2, 2016, стр. 401-408, ISSN: 1311-0829.
4. Червенков А., Т. Червенкова, Изследване капацитивното влияние на
многопроводна линия за високо напрежение, Годишник на Технически университет
- София, Том 66, кн. 2, 2016, стр. 383-391, ISSN: 1311-0829.
5. Червенкова Т., А. Червенков, Изследване на частни случаи на преходни
процеси в предавателни линии, Годишник на Технически университет - София,
Том 66, кн. 2, 2016, стр. 393-400, ISSN: 1311-0829.
6.Петракиева, С.,
Б. Бойчев, Анализ на линейни електрически вериги при синусоидални режими
чрез автоматично изчисляване на параметрите им с електронната таблица Excel,
Четвърта научна конференция с международно участие „КОМУНИКАЦИИ,
г., гр. Банско, България; сп. Механика, Транспорт и Комуникации, статия №:
1402, ISSN: 1312-3823 (print), ISSN: 2367-6620 (on-line), 2016, том 14, бр.
3, стр. XI-68 – XI74.
7.Шопов, Й., С. Петракиева, З. Иванов, Определяне на коефициента на пулсации
на различни светлинни източници, VI Научна конференция ЕФ’2016,
12-15.09.2016 г., Варна, България, Годишник на ТУ-София, ISSN: 1311-0829,
2017, том 67, кн. 1, стр. 389-398.
Конференции в чужбина
1. Mladenov V., S. Kirilov, A Nonlinear Memristor Model with Activation
Thresholds and Variable Window Functions, CNNA 2016, Dresden, Germany (In
2. Stoimenov S., G. Tsenov, V. Mladenov, Face recognition system in Android
using neural networks, IEEE, 13th Symposium on Neural Networks and
Applications (NEUREL), 2016, DOI:10.1109/NEUREL.2016.7800138.
3. Pelzers K., V. Mladenov, Animal call segregation using self organizing
map with speeded up robust features, IEEE, 13th Symposium on Neural Networks
and Applications (NEUREL), 2016, DOI:10.1109/NEUREL.2016.7800139.
4. Dipak P. Patil, Pallavi S. Sonar, Sv. I. Antonov, Face Recognition using
LBP and PCA under Different Lighting Condition, 51st International
scientific conference on information, communication and energy system and
technologies, June 2016, Macedonia, pp. 195-200, ISBN: 978-9989-786-78-5.
5. Tonchev K., G. Tsenov, V. Mladenov, A. Manolova, V. Poulkov, Personalized
and intelligent sleep lifestyle reasoner with webapplication for improving
quality of sleep part of AAL architecture, Proceedings of EAI International
Conference on Future Access Enablers of Ubiquitous and Intelligent
Infrastructures (FABULOUS), Belgrade, Serbia, October 2016,
6. Tonchev K., P. Koleva, A. Manolova, G. Tsenov, V. Poulkov, Non-intrusive
sleep analyzer for real time detection of sleep anomalies, Proceedings of
International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing (TSP),
Vienna, Austria, June 2016, pp. 400-403, ISBN: 978-1-5090-1287-9,
Конференции в България
1. Iatcheva I., Computer modeling of processes and identification of
parameters in electromagnetic systems, 11th Summer School Advanced Aspects
of Theoretical Electrical Engineering, pp.1-14, 2016, Sofia, Bulgaria, ISSN:
2. Georgiev Zh., I. Uzunov, Hopf bifurcation, normal forms and limit cycles,
Part 1: Basic notions in hopf bifurcation analisys, 11th Summer School
Advanced Aspects of Theoretical Electrical Engineering, 2016, Sofia,
Bulgaria, pp. 21-38, ISSN: 1313-9487.
3. Georgiev Zh., I. Uzunov, Hopf bifurcation, normal forms and limit cycles,
Part 2: Near identity transformation, normal form of Poincare and stability
coefficient, 11th Summer School Advanced Aspects of Theoretical Electrical
Engineering, 2016, Sofia, Bulgaria, pp. 39-56, ISSN: 1313-9487.
4. Kirilov S., V. Mladenov, Analysis of an Anti-Series Memristor Circuit
with two Memristors Supplied by Sinusoidal Voltage Source, 11th Summer
School Advanced aspects of theoretical electrical engineering, 2016, Sofia,
Bulgaria, pp. 64 – 70, ISSN: 1313-9487.
5. Georgiev Zh., I. Trushev, Transient and steady state analysis of
electrical circuits supplied by sequence of clipped sawtooth impulses, 11th
Summer School Advanced aspects of theoretical electrical engineering, 2016,
Sofia, Bulgaria, pp. 71-77, ISSN: 1313-9487.
6. Georgiev N., Sn. Terzieva, V. Zlatanova, Electronic converter with
tactile sensor with conductive elastomer, 11th Summer School Advanced
aspects of theoretical electrical engineering, 2016, Sofia, Bulgaria,
pp.78-83, ISSN: 1313-9487.
7. Trushev I., Analysis of the working phases of a buck DC/DC converter,
11th Summer School Advanced aspects of theoretical electrical engineering,
2016, Sofia, Bulgaria, pp. 88-94, ISSN: 1313-9487.
8. Kandhari M., Sv. Antonov, Smart traffic control system for ambulance,
11th Summer School Advanced aspects of theoretical electrical engineering,
2016, Sofia, Bulgaria, pp. 95-98, ISSN: 1313-9487.
9. Kolev L., Iterative algorithms for determining a p-solution of linear
interval parametric systems, 11th Summer School Advanced Aspects of
Theoretical Electrical Engineering, 2016, Sofia, Bulgaria, pp. 99-104, ISSN:
10. Kolev L., Parameterized solutions of linear interval parametric systems
having nonlinear parametric dependencies, 11th Summer School Advanced
Aspects of Theoretical Electrical Engineering, 2016, Sofia, Bulgaria, pp.
105-111, ISSN: 1313-9487.
11. Bozhkov S., V. Mladenov, Laboratory transformer for induction heating of
bearings, 11th Summer School Advanced Aspects of Theoretical Electrical
Engineering, 2016, Sofia, Bulgaria, pp. 112-116, ISSN: 1313-9487.
12. Petkova N., I. Iatcheva, High voltage equipment monitoring, 11th Summer
School Advanced Aspects of Theoretical Electrical Engineering, 2016, Sofia,
Bulgaria, pp.117-122, ISSN: 1313-9487.
13. Petkova N., Parameters and methods of identifying the condition of power
transformers, 11th Summer School Advanced Aspects of Theoretical Electrical
Engineering, 2016, Sofia, Bulgaria, pp.123-128, ISSN: 1313-9487.
14. Vratchanski M., Sv. Antonov, RFID & NFC hardware communication system
for authorization and identification purposes in an academic institution,
11th Summer School Advanced aspects of theoretical electrical engineering,
2016, Sofia, Bulgaria, pp. 140-143, ISSN: 1313-9487.
15. Chervenkov A., T. Cherevnkova, Investigation of the magnetic field in
the vicinity of the medium voltage cable line, 11th Summer School Advanced
Aspects of Theoretical Electrical Engineering, 2016, Sofia, Bulgaria, pp.
144-150, ISSN: 1313-9487.
16. Petrakieva S., B. Boychev, Automatic calculation the parameters of
linear passive 2-ports networks based on experimental data, 11th Summer
School Advanced Aspects of Theoretical Electrical Engineering, 2016, Sofia,
Bulgaria, pp.151-161, ISSN: 1313-9487.
17. Terzieva Sn., I. Tabahnev, S. Vladov, Transfer of power between two
coupled inductors – some peculiarities in AC circuits, 11th Summer School
Advanced aspects of theoretical electrical engineering, 2016, Sofia,
Bulgaria, pp.168-173, ISSN: 1313-9487.
18. Chervenkov A., T. Cherevnkova, Modelling of the conductive impact of
medium-voltage power line on the communication line, 11th Summer School
Advanced Aspects of Theoretical Electrical Engineering, 2016, Sofia,
Bulgaria, pp. 174-179, ISSN 1313-9487.
19. Fegade K., Sv. Antonov, Laboratorial experimentation of electrical
resonance phenomenon by using standard kit and MATLAB software on purpose of
education, 11th Summer School Advanced aspects of theoretical electrical
engineering, 2016, Sofia, Bulgaria, pp. 180-186, ISSN: 1313-9487.
20. Chervenkov A., T. Chervenkova, A. Yanev, Simulation of sinusoidal
voltage inverter using reducing switching losses PWM strategy, 11th Summer
School Advanced Aspects of Theoretical Electrical Engineering, 2016, Sofia,
Bulgaria, pp. 207-214, ISSN: 1313-9487.
21. Iatcheva I., M. Koleva, Study of the electric field impact of the
environment in vicinity of a power line, 11th Summer School Advanced Aspects
of Theoretical Electrical Engineering, pp. 215-222, 2016, Sofia, Bulgaria,
ISSN: 1313-9487.
22. Vichev S., I. Andonova, G. Tsenov, Abnormal electricity readings in high
voltage power lines, 11th Summer School Advanced Aspects of Theoretical
Electrical Engineering, 2016, Sofia, Bulgaria, pp. 223-231, ISSN: 1313-9487.
23. Iatcheva I, N. Petkova, Study of electrical insulation in the presence
of heterogeneous inclusions, 19th International Symposium on Electrical
Apparatus and Technologies SIELA’2016, pp. 166-171, ISBN: 978-1-4673-9521-2,
IEEE Catalog Number CFP1628Z-PRT.
24. Gergova Z., I. Iatcheva, D. Darjanova, Influence of some design
parameters on the performance of powerful reactors, Proceedings of 19th
International Symposium on Electrical Apparatus and Technologies,
SIELA’2016, Varna, Bulgaria, pp.137-140 (IEEE Xplore, Scopus, Web of
25. Tsvetkova N., I. Iatcheva, Hr. Tahrilov, M. Streblau, Study of the
relationship between the distribution of the power and temperatures in a
small resistive art glass melting furnace, Proceedings of 19th International
Symposium on Electrical Apparatus and Technologies, SIELA’2016, Varna,
Bulgaria, pp. 346-349 (IEEE Xplore, Scopus, Web of Science).
26.Petrakieva, S.,
Automatic solution of real transport problem with Solver in Excel,
Proceedings of the 14th International Conference “Challenges in Higher
Education Research in 21-st century”, ISBN: 978-954-580-365-9, Sozopol,
Bulgaria, 31 May - 3 June 2016, pp. 46-49.